Panacea Mobile API



This document describes the base API interfaces which can be used with Panacea Mobile.

The API is currently only implemented with a JSON wrapper.

These API's can be accessed with an HTTP client independent of language. We have provided PHP examples to demonstrate the implementation as well as raw HTTP requests in order to assist.

Some general considerations:

= Negative number in status codes indicate an error

= HTTP Keep-Alive is supported and should be used for large numbers of queries.

= Unbilled queries are limited to 10 per minute (message_status, user_get_balance, etc)

Constants / Codes
Action Summary
object address_book_contacts_get_list (string username, string password, int group_id)
object address_book_contact_add (string username, string password, int group_id, string phone_number, [string first_name = ''], [string last_name = ''])
object address_book_contact_delete (string username, string password, int contact_id)
object address_book_contact_update (string username, string password, int contact_id, [string phone_number = null], [string first_name = null], [string last_name = null])
object address_book_groups_get_list (string username, string password)
object address_book_group_add (string username, string password, string name)
object address_book_group_delete (string username, string password, int group_id)
object affiliate_register_user (string username, string password, string email_address, string dialling_code, string phone_number, [string user_ip_address = Null], [string user_username = Null], [string user_password = Null], [int campaign_id = Null])
object affiliate_set_promotion_code (string username, string password, integer user_id, string promotion_code, [integer affiliate_id = null])
object batches_list (string username, string password)
object batch_check_status (string username, string password, int batch_id)
object batch_create (string username, string password, string name, [int throughput = 0], [boolean filter = false], [string file_type = 'csv'])
object batch_start (string username, string password, int batch_id)
object batch_stop (string username, string password, int batch_id)
object execute_multiple (string username, string password)
object get_affiliate_country_info (string username, string password,  ip_address, [ return_array = false])
object list_actions ()
object messages_get (string username, string password, int last_id)
object message_send (string username, string password, string to, string text, [string from = null], [int report_mask = 19], [string report_url = null], [string charset = null], [int data_coding = null], [int auto_detect_encoding = null])
object message_status (string username, string password, string message_id)
object ping ()
object route_check_price (string username, string password, string to)
object user_authorize_application (string application_name, [string icon_url = null], [string return_url = null])
object user_get_api_key (string request_key)
object user_get_balance (string username, string password)
object user_get_phone_number (string username, string password)
object user_transfer_funds (string username, string password,  target_username,  amount)

Get's a list of contacts for a particular group

object address_book_contacts_get_list (string username, string password, int group_id)
  • string username
  • string password
  • int group_id: The ID of the group

Add a contact to a group

object address_book_contact_add (string username, string password, int group_id, string phone_number, [string first_name = ''], [string last_name = ''])
  • string username
  • string password
  • int group_id: The group ID to add the record to
  • string phone_number: Phone number of the user
  • string first_name: First name of the user (optional)
  • string last_name: Last name of the user (optional)

Delete a contact

object address_book_contact_delete (string username, string password, int contact_id)
  • string username
  • string password
  • int contact_id: The contact ID

Update an existing contact

object address_book_contact_update (string username, string password, int contact_id, [string phone_number = null], [string first_name = null], [string last_name = null])
  • string username
  • string password
  • int contact_id: The contact ID
  • string phone_number: The new first name
  • string first_name: The new last name
  • string last_name: The new phone number

Retrieves a list of address book groups

object address_book_groups_get_list (string username, string password)
  • string username
  • string password

Add's a new address book group

object address_book_group_add (string username, string password, string name)
  • string username
  • string password
  • string name: The name of the group

Delete's an address book group

object address_book_group_delete (string username, string password, int group_id)
  • string username
  • string password
  • int group_id: The ID of the group

This action affiliate users to create new users, please contact if you are interested in becoming an affiliate.

Please note that this method returns its own status codes, an english error message will be returned to you, it is at your own discretion to translate these strings.

  • return: Example: {"status":0,"message":"OK","details":{"user_id":"67","username":"testdd","password":"10jm06","message":"User created successfully."}}
  • example: Generic HTTP Address book usage examples
  • example: example not found
object affiliate_register_user (string username, string password, string email_address, string dialling_code, string phone_number, [string user_ip_address = Null], [string user_username = Null], [string user_password = Null], [int campaign_id = Null])
  • string username: Your Username
  • string password: Your Password or token
  • string email_address: New user email address
  • string dialling_code: Registrant Number prefix
  • string phone_number: New user phone_number (in format: country prefix-number ie: 798000000)
  • string user_ip_address: New Users Ip address
  • string user_username: New User Username (optional)
  • string user_password: New User Password (optional)
  • int campaign_id: Campaign Id (optional)

Public method that sets promotion codes for new users

object affiliate_set_promotion_code (string username, string password, integer user_id, string promotion_code, [integer affiliate_id = null])
  • string username
  • string password
  • integer user_id: (user_id returned by affiliate_register_user)
  • string promotion_code: (promotion code supplied by panacea)
  • integer affiliate_id: (specify if you are part of multiple affiliate programs)

Retrieves a list of the user batches.

  • return: Example: {"status":0,"message":"OK","details":[{"id":"11","name":"test","status":32,"deletable":false},{"id":"12","name":"Relationships","status":32,"deletable":false}]}
object batches_list (string username, string password)
  • string username
  • string password

Checks the status of a batch

object batch_check_status (string username, string password, int batch_id)
  • string username
  • string password
  • int batch_id: batch_id as returned from batches_list (or other batch API's)

Create's a new batch, returns batch ID if successful

object batch_create (string username, string password, string name, [int throughput = 0], [boolean filter = false], [string file_type = 'csv'])
  • string username
  • string password
  • string name: A description / name for this batch
  • int throughput: Throughput to deliver this batch at (per second)
  • boolean filter: Filter this batch against the global blocklist
  • string file_type: File type of the upload ( csv or xls accepted )

Starts the given batch

object batch_start (string username, string password, int batch_id)
  • string username
  • string password
  • int batch_id: batch_id as returned from batches_list (or other batch API's)

Stops/pauses the given batch

object batch_stop (string username, string password, int batch_id)
  • string username
  • string password
  • int batch_id: batch_id as returned from batches_list (or other batch API's)

This action allows you to execute multiple actions within the API with a single request.

The payload (with all actions) must be sent in a POST request with a variable named 'data' containing a JSON encoded array of actions to execute.

object execute_multiple (string username, string password)
  • string username
  • string password

Public method that returns affiliate country information. Primarily used for detecting number prefixes.

object get_affiliate_country_info (string username, string password,  ip_address, [ return_array = false])
  • string username
  • string password
  • ip_address
  • return_array

This method provides all a list of all methods currently available in the API and their parameters

object list_actions ()

This function returns all inbound (MO) messages for the user which have an ID larger than 'last_id'.

Best practice is to use this function starting with last_id = 0, then as messages are received, to store last_id as the highest message ID you receive back from the API request.

  • return: {"status":0,"message":"OK","details":[{"id":"11","created":"2011-04-09 19:25:09","from":"27832659217","to":"20000","data":"Test MO Generated","charset":"UTF-8"},{"id":"10","created":"2011-04-09 19:24:02","from":"27832659217","to":"20000","data":"Test MO Generated","charset":"UTF-8"}]}
object messages_get (string username, string password, int last_id)
  • string username
  • string password
  • int last_id

Send an SMS message

In the return result, if successful the details key will contain the message ID.

object message_send (string username, string password, string to, string text, [string from = null], [int report_mask = 19], [string report_url = null], [string charset = null], [int data_coding = null], [int auto_detect_encoding = null])
  • string username
  • string password
  • string to
  • string text: The body of your message
  • string from
  • int report_mask: Delivery report request bitmask (see delivery_report_mask_* variables)
  • string report_url: URL to call when delivery status changes
  • string charset: Character set to use (defaults to UTF-8)
  • int data_coding: Data coding (see data_coding_*)
  • int auto_detect_encoding: Auto detect the encoding and send appropriately (useful for sending arabic, hindi, unicode etc messages) 1 = on, 0 = off, defaults off.

Checks the status of a message

This function can only be used 10 times per minute (to prevent bad implementation :)) if you require status for each message you send please use the report_url and report_mask variables when sending your messages with message_send().

object message_status (string username, string password, string message_id)
  • string username
  • string password
  • string message_id

Function to ensure communication

object ping ()

This action allows you to check the price you can expect to pay for a message to the destination in 'to'

object route_check_price (string username, string password, string to)
  • string username: Your username
  • string password: Your password or API key
  • string to: The number you wish to test

This action allow's a third party application to get an authentication key in order to make use of a user's account.

The benefits of using this method is know that the application doesn't have to worry about registration of the user account, it simply redirects the user to a web based location (which is provided) for authentication, once done, if the user allowed it, the application can access the API functions using the new API token.

WARNING: Request key's generated here can only be guaranteed to be valid for 1 hour, so you *MUST* call user_get_api_key() after the process has been completed.

object user_authorize_application (string application_name, [string icon_url = null], [string return_url = null])
  • string application_name: The name of the application to be authorized (for the user to see)
  • string icon_url: The URL where an icon can be found for this application (optional)
  • string return_url: The URL where the user must be returned to once complete, if left out the window will be allowed to be closed (optional)

Once the user_authorize_application() action is completed and the user has returned to your application, you must call user_get_api_key() to create a permanent API key.

object user_get_api_key (string request_key)
  • string request_key: The original request key returned from user_authorize_application()

Get's the user balance

object user_get_balance (string username, string password)
  • string username
  • string password

This function returns the verified phone number for the given user

  • return: {"status":0,"message":"OK","details":"0832659217"}
object user_get_phone_number (string username, string password)
  • string username
  • string password

Transfer credit from one account to another

  • return: Example: {"status":0,"message":"OK","details":3338.50000}
object user_transfer_funds (string username, string password,  target_username,  amount)
  • string username
  • string password
  • target_username
  • amount
Constants / Codes
api_result_authentication_failed = -8

Authentication failure

api_result_could_not_save = -256

Could not save

api_result_duplicate_record = -512

Duplicate record found (when adding)

api_result_internal_error = -16

Internal error

api_result_invalid_record = -128

Invalid record

api_result_key_created = 2

API Request Key created

api_result_message_sent = 1

Message sent/queued

api_result_missing_parameter = -4

There was a required parameter missing from the request (see 'details' key in result for more information)

api_result_no_action_specified = -1

No action was specified in the request

api_result_no_such_action = -2

There was no matching action found

api_result_ok = 0

Generic OK

api_result_out_of_credit = -64

Out of credit

api_result_routing_error = -32

Routing error

api_result_user_invalid_affiliate = -1024

User is not part of any affiliate program

batch_status_busy = 16

Batch is busy being processed

batch_status_error = 128

There was an error processing the batch

batch_status_filter = 256

The batch is waiting to be filtered Set the batch to this status if you wish for it to be filtered.

batch_status_filtering = 512

Batch is busy being filtered

batch_status_new = 1

Batch is waiting to be processed

batch_status_parsing = 2

Batch is busy being parsed

batch_status_parsing_paused = 4

Parsing of the batch has been paused

batch_status_paused = 32

Batch has been parsed and is currently paused

batch_status_ready = 8

Batch is waiting to be processed (no action required)

batch_status_submitted = 64

Batch has been submitted

maximum_affliate_registrations_reached = -2048

User has reached maximum registrations during specified period.

message_status_acknowledged = 1

Message acknowledged

message_status_delivered = 4

Message has been delivered

message_status_does_not_exist = -1

Message does not exist

message_status_failed = 32


var @int

message_status_filtered = 64

Filtered (blocked or previously failed)

message_status_internal_failed = 8

Message failed (internal error)

message_status_routing_error = 16

Routing error

message_status_submitted = 2

Message has been sent to the networks

Documentation generated on Tue, 03 May 2011 16:17:12 +0200 by Panacea Mobile