Inbound Triggers

The following guide will assist you in setting up inbound triggers.

Once you have logged into your account select the Tools tab then mouse over the Create button and select the Create Inbound Trigger option.


You will then be taken to the following screen where you will need to name the trigger:


Once you have named your trigger you will need to click on the Save option to be taken to the trigger settings page. This page has quite a few options which are broken down below.

Name: This is the name of your trigger. Make sure that the Active check-box is selected if you want the campaign to be currently active:


Conditions:  Set the Conditions that need to be met for the Actions to be triggered. You can specify whether all of the conditions must be met or just any one of the conditions. The example below has 2 conditions that all need to be matched before an Action will be executed. In this example, only messages that match the below criteria will trigger an action.


Actions: Once your conditions are setup, then set the Actions that you would like to be performed when the conditions are met. Actions that can be performed include the following.

Send SMS: This will be sent back to the sending person by default with the #MOBILENUMBER# macro.


Send Email: You can use macros to insert custom content in your emails. For example, you can paste the #MESSAGE# macro into the email text to have the SMS message put into the content of the email. You can see a list of all the macros further on in this guide. There is also a checkbox to enable HTML mails if you wish to paste HTML code in for the mailer.


Call URL: Push the message to another web service (advanced). The message will be pushed to a URL that you specify using a GET method with all of the message variables appended to the URL. You can then write a script to simply catch these variables and handle them however you would want to in your script.


Macros: Here is a list of Macros that you can use with your Inbound Triggers.