Import contacts into a list

This guide will help you add new contact into a list on your account. From the login screen click on the Lists tab. This will take you to the lists screen. 01

This page will contain all of your saved lists. To import new contacts into a list, click on the Import Contacts icon for the list. 02

The contacts you wish to import need to be saved in a .csv file which would need to be imported. You can have multiple new contacts in this list or just one. We recommend the format of the file resembles the one pictured below: 03

You will be asked to select your .csv file. To do this click on the Upload File button and navigate to your file and select it. 04

The next page will request that you select the first row of usable data. If you have only one row then you only select that one. Your page should look similar to the one below, you may have more than one row if you are importing more than one contact. Whatever the case may be select the first row and then click on the Next Step button.



The next page will ask you to match up the data you have just imported. If you have formatted your data in a similar way to how we have dome it you will have a selection similar to the screen below. Please note that you need to confirm that you have permission to message the people you are adding to your list.


You will then be taken to the Import Preview page as pictured below. If you are satisfied with the data you can click on the Import button to proceed.


The final page is a summery page of the information you have just imported. This page will let you know if there were any contacts that failed to import. Click on the Finish button to complete the process.