Importing SMS Gateway Coverage

Oncer you have a gateway setup on the Panacea Platform the best way to maintain pricing for the gateway is to import the coverage and pricing files provided to you from the supplier. To do this you will need to navigate to SMS > MT Routing > Import Coverage on the left hand menu.


This will take you the the SMSC Imports page that will list all your previous imports.


You can create a new import by clicking on the Upload Coverage button in the upper right hand corner of the page. This will take you to the Import Coverage Step 1 page.


If this is the first time that you are uploading a coverage file you will need to Add a Supplier Type. Adding a supplier type allows the system to match the data in the files you are going to be using to upload.


From here you will need to enter a name for your new supplier and you will need to input the file provided. Once you have provided the needed information you can proceed by clicking on the Submit button.


You will then be asked a series of questions where you will match up the columns with the required data fields. Answer each question accordingly and once done you will be asked to Confirm and review supplier type. 


On this page you will be asked to provide the number of header rows and to confirm the selections you have made in the previous step. From here you can either click on the Cancel button to restart the process or the Submit button to save the supplier type.

Creating a supplier type will only need to be done once per SMSC you add to the Panacea Platform. Once you have the supplier type loaded you will be able to use it for all future coverage imports for the SMSC.

You can now click on the Upload Coverage button on the SMSC Imports page to begin the process of importing coverage for the selected SMSC.


On step 1 of the process you will need to enter the following required information:

  • SMSC to update. You will need to select the SMSC that you wish to import coverage for from this drop-down menu.
  • File to load. This is where you will select the file that you wish to use to update the SMSC with.
  • File Format. You will select the supplier type that you have created for this SMSC here.
  • Complete update. Select this option to do a complete update. This means that if a network that has pricing already loaded on the system for this SMSC is not listed in the upload file it will have its coverage removed during this import.

Once you have input all the required information you can click on the Continue button to move onto the next step.


You will be asked to review the import here. Once you are happy with the information provided you can complete the process by clicking on the Continue button to complete the import process and queue the file to be processed and imported.