Creating and managing Admin Users

For anyone to be able to work on the vSMSC they would need to have an Admin User account.

To create an admin account for additional users on the Panacea Platform you will need to navigate to System > Access Control > System Users on the navigation menu.


You will then be taken to the Admin Users page where you are able to create, delete and manage all the Admin users on the Panacea Platform.


To add a user you will need to select the New System User from the actions menu on the right side of the page.


You will then be presented with the Add Admin User page that requires the following information:

  • Username. This is the username the new Admin User will use to log into the Panacea Platform.
  • Password. This is the unique password that will be used to authenticate the Admin User. This password needs to be 11 characters or over and needs to include at least one upper case letter, one lower case letter, one number and one special character to be valid.
  • Email. This is the email address of the new Admin User and will be used by the Panacea Platform for all future communications sent.
  • First Name. The Admin User’s first name.
  • Last Name. The Admin User’s last name.
  • System Role. This is the role that dictates the access level the Admin User will have. This is covered in detail in the Creating and managing Admin User Access Profiles documentation.


Once you are happy with the settings you can save the user by clicking on the Submit button. The Admin User will now be active on the system.

You will now be able to search for the user and manage the account via the menu on the right hand side of the account name.